
Maisema.pro is a database dedicated to maintaining information about nature- and excursion points of interest. It enables informing maintentance service providers directly of any concerns related to excursion destinations or trail networks and informing them of possible issues that need fixing, speeding up the maintenance cycle.

For institutions that are responsible of Nature Destinations, maisema.pro means accurate and and up-to-date reporting of the status, maintenance history, and received feedback of these Destinations and their Points of Interest. 

If you would like to report a finding or issue related to any Point of Interest catered by this service, navigate to the Map page, or start by choosing a Destination below.

If you are interested in connecting a new Destination with the maisema.Pro database, please contact us!

ProMaisema team wishes you wonderful moments in the nature!




Targets: 32
Routes: 9
Publications: 0


Liperi Beaches

Targets: 8
Routes: 0
Publications: 0


Liperi Playgrounds

Targets: 17
Routes: 0
Publications: 0


Pärnä Bike Park

Targets: 5
Routes: 5
Publications: 0


Pärnävaaran asfalttirata

Targets: 1
Routes: 1
Publications: 0
